How I start my day effects everything in how I feel the rest of my day goes.

Unfortunately, we can’t stop all the stuff that may come at us during the day, but I fully believe that starting your day right can set you up to deal with things a WHOLE lot better if shit does goes down… And really, it’s pretty simple to implement a few changes to improve your mood, mindset and wellbeing both for the day ahead and long-term.

NB: I am a morning person… CORRECTION – I have become a morning person (for the reasons listed above).

So here are a few of my simple tips. Now don’t necessarily expect to feel like a new person right away, but give it at least a week or two so you can really feel the goodness I’m bestowing upon you (via knowledge).


This may not being an issue for everyone… but sometimes the thing that can add such an unnecessary amount of stress to my day is figuring out what to wear. So over the years I’ve developed a couple of strategies to help negate this issue.

First of all.. Know what your fail-safe outfit is. What is that outfit that you turn to, that you know just works and makes you feel good? Remember it… commit it to memory…And use for all those times you’re frantically trying to get ready.

Secondly, plan your outfit the night before. 
If you know where you’re going/what you’re doing then just get it sorted the night before so in the morning you don’t even have to think. Optional extra… have a couple of options ready depending on what the weather decides to do.



I’ve come to discover overtime that you never, ever, regret getting up that bit earlier to fit some exercise into your day. For me, I get up at 5:40am every morning for 6am yoga or a run. I know this might not be feasible for some of you depending on what time you actually start work. The thing is… it doesn’t really matter if you can’t do a lot. Even a short walk or yoga flow and stretch will just get your body moving and muscles going and will automatically make you feel more awake and ready to face the day. PLUS, this way, even if your day gets busy and you can’t fit in your usual afternoon workout, you’ll feel much better knowing that you’ve already done something.

Don’t know where to start or pressed for time? Maybe try a simple, quick flow like this:

Sun Salutation (pictured below) x 5
Move slowly and consciously with your breath (in and out of your nose). Pay particular attention to your core, keeping it engaged as you move through each posture.

Back bend x 3
Back bends are a beautiful pose to energise the body and mind first thing in the morning.I highly recommend starting with bridge pose (read about it here) if you are newer to the practice. Full Wheel is a strong pose, and if you are not ready you can compress your lower back, making it a very unhappy chappy.


One of the most powerful lessons I had during my yoga teacher training was doing noble silence every morning. This basically means we weren’t allowed to talk, or interact even through body language, be on our phones (and traditionally you’re not even meant to read or write). I hadn’t realised how much of a habit checking my phone every morning had become.

So something I’ve tried to bring home with me, is being a little more present in the morning. So instead of reaching straight for your phone in the morning, try getting up, getting moving and then doing some form of mindfulness that makes sense for you.

Mindfulness doesn’t have to look like sitting crossed-legged on the ground. For me, I try to do 5-10 minutes in the morning after yoga. But even just trying to bring a little more mindfulness and presence to each step of your usual morning routine would be good.

I have been using an app called Headspace, which can be helpful to get started. Other apps that I’ve tried or heard are good are Smiling Mind and Buddhify.

I also have this delightful mindfulness journal called I am here now that has different activities, so if sitting still and breathing isn’t really your thing (*mild sarcasm as we obviously do this all the time*), then maybe try something a little more creative like this.



Finally and probably most importantly is to get an extra boost with some super greens first thing in the morning. Similarly to exercising first thing, getting an easy extra dose of greens into your day starts you on the right track and guarantees your body has already got some goodness. This definitely doesn’t mean you shouldn’t strive to eat a healthy, balanced diet full of fresh fruit and vegetables throughout the day, but hey… life is life and we’re all human. So sometimes we don’t always get to eat in our most ideal way.

I have been using The Super Elixir by Welleco around a year now. It’s an all-in-one organic alkalising greens powder that is the perfect supplement to support wellbeing, immunity and keep your gut happy (with all those pre and probiotics).. Oh and of course, its vegan-friendly. Boasting 45 ingredients, this powder is seriously packed with all the good stuff. You can read the full ingredients list here.

One of my favourite smoothie recipes is:

2 frozen bananas
1/2 C frozen blueberries
2 tsp of Super Elixir Powder
1 C Coco Quench (or other non-dairy milk)
1/2 C water (or coconut water if you’re feeling fancy)

Optional extras: 1/2 C oats (if thats your thing).

Or if your on the run (or it’s winter time and a smoothie is the least desirable thing you can imagine) then simply add it to water.


Hope you guys find these helpful! Do you have any others tips you would add?


Created in collaboration with WelleCo. However, as always, all creative content and opinions are my own. I only work with brands that share my values and ethics.
